Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Guardian Interviews Bishop Gene Robinson

You can read the whole article here.

There is a lot more biographical detail in this article on Robinson than I've seen in most American press reports. He ain't exactly royalty. He's the son of Kentucky share-croppers. I think they do a very good job on reporting on his social and political views (very liberal/ progressive), and his religious views (actually quite conservative, certainly not the kooky-spooky "innovator" "heretic" he's made out to be by his detractors).

Here is +Robinson's response to ++Williams' "two tier" Communion proposal.

"I can't imagine anything that would be more abhorrent to Jesus than a two-tier church. Either we are children of God and brothers and sisters in Christ, or we aren't. There are not preferred children and second-class children. There are just children of God."


  1. Yes I have had arguments with the evangelicals who run this diocese. If they bothered to read his sermons or other writings they would be in total agreement. But they won't believe me or read for themselves. They are just blinded by their homophobia.

  2. It's the Spirit, moves all around, ...just try to catch it!!

  3. In my experience, those beliefs that fail all the tests of evidence, reason, common sense, charity, and basic decency, are the beliefs that people will cling to most tenaciously, no matter how wrong, how hateful, or how toxic. You can see that on parade in the freak shows surrounding the health care debate in this country.

    I should point out that this nuttiness is nothing new. You should have been here for the Civil Rights struggles 40 years ago.

  4. I find it amazing just how man ¨land minds¨ are out there...they look normal (mostly) but aren´t ¨normal¨ and are on the verge of some very dangerous exploding (imploding) about a spike in the need for THEIR HEALTH CARE! Wow, the Government will have to reopen all the mental health facilities that Regan shut down! Prepare the sedatives, these rightwinged passionistas are going to need the FULL DOSE!

  5. Leo, I wish there was a calming spray sedative that could be used at the meetings. I'm willing to be tranquilized along with the crazies.

  6. For those of us who attended the Integrity Eucharit, I give you the words of Barbara Harris:
    "How can you initiate someone and treat them like they are half-assed baptized."


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