Monday, July 25, 2011

Margaret Watson

Our fighting Margaret is having serious troubles these days.  She recently lost her post as a priest in her parish in Richmond, Virginia.  Such are the fortunes of the outspoken and brave.  

But I truly appreciate her courage and her willingness to tell the powerful where to get off, even powerful majorities.  

This blog expresses its gratitude and appreciation for all of her work so far, sympathies and solidarity in her current troubles, and best wishes for her continuing work.  May God prosper the work of her hands.

I have a quote from a comment that she left on my Facebook page over on the sidebar just above the famous Chora Anastasis.  It fits especially well beneath Santa Muerte.


  1. Thanks for your prayers and support --I have been quite literally blown out of the water....

    Your words help me keep it all in perspective....

    blessings abound.

  2. I"m so sorry to hear of Margaret's troubles. Alas, the prophet is seldom respected in her own land....!

  3. So sorry to hear this about Margaret. Prayers are with her from this part of Michigan.

  4. Margaret, Margaret, Margaret what have you been up to???? I,m writing to say best wishes on yoour new parish in South Dakota. Can we help in any way???? Your and Joel are in our prayers. Hope Joel is feeling well. BIG HUGS and God,s blessings Joyce Kracker, St. Martin's shady Cove, Or.


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