Saturday, July 2, 2011


German Protestants

From 16th century Hamburg.

I took my camera to the Met Museum again and photographed a painting by an anonymous artist of my nightmare of my German ancestors (mine were never this prosperous).

My! What a ferocious looking bunch!

A painting of the whole family with Jesus and surrounded by verses from Luther's Bible written here in northern German dialect.

How would like to see these faces looking back at you from a jury box as you go on trial for your life?

The women look just as ferocious. Dippy looking Jesus.

"A mighty fortress" indeed!


  1. And Jesus thought, "Maybe if I sit very still and don't speak, they will all just go away."

  2. Enough generations of this ilk, and you get a Mr Lonely.

  3. Indeed. The Eisennagel family here might be delighted to have Mr. Lonely in their company, and even start a praise band with him. They're German so it will be heavy on the techno.

  4. Does he comment a lot, Doug? I've just noticed him the last two entries.

  5. He's only started lately. He doesn't contribute to the discussion, and if he starts to get intrusive or too persistent, then I'll send him the way of the Jehovahs when they ring the doorbell.


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