Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Crossing the Billyburg Bridge at Nightfall

Approaching the Williamsburg Bridge from Brooklyn. It is only about 5PM and it's already nightfall. It's still too early for the bridge lights to come on.

Downtown Manhattan from the Brooklyn side of the bridge

The new #1 World Trade Center, already the tallest building in town, glows with construction lights. It still has about a dozen floors to go before topping out in April.

The pedestrian path on the bridge; the subway tracks are to the right.

The East River looking toward downtown with a star.

The Brooklyn tower in the dark

Downtown with Lower East Side traffic

The spires of Midtown; the Empire State Building is on the left, the Conde Nast Building is the mast in the center, the new Bank of America Building is on the right.


  1. Looks like inspiration for some of your art!

  2. Indeed. I walk across this bridge all the time on the way to work in my studio.

  3. I remember some of those sights from my one and only visit to New York many many years ago.
    An amazing city!


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