Friday, June 1, 2012


Gould Memorial Library and The Hall of Fame, photographed in 1904; now part of Bronx Community College where I teach

The rest of these pictures from today's commencement are by Renore Silverio, a former student of mine.

Renore between two friends and fellow graduates

 A very tired me sitting in the back of the campus gallery

Our students, like all graduates, march in to Elgar, but they march out and into the world to this tune by Verdi:

I'm so proud of them all and I wish them all the best.


  1. I love commencement. Such joy, such hope, they are all scrubbed up and want you to meet their parents or family...

  2. Congrats to Renore and all your students: they were lucky to have you, and vice-versa! :-)

  3. You, in a tie! Will the wonders never cease...


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