Thursday, November 22, 2012

St. Cecilia's Day

Happy St. Cecilia's Day to all you musicians out there!

Raphael, St. Cecilia, c1514

Soul of the World! Inspir'd by thee,
The jarring Seeds of Matter did agree,
Thou didst the scatter'd Atoms bind,
Which, by thy Laws of true proportion join'd,
Made up of various Parts one perfect Harmony.

Hail! Bright Cecilia, Hail to thee!
Great Patroness of Us and Harmony!
Who, whilst among the Choir above
Thou dost thy former Skill improve,
With Rapture of Delight dost see
Thy Favourite Art
Make up a Part
Of infinite Felicity.
Hail! Bright Cecilia, Hail to thee!
Great Patroness of Us and Harmony!


  1. What, no Simon&Garfunkel? (Certainly the first *I* think of, when I hear the name "Cecilia"! ;-p)

  2. I love your choices of music and musicians!

    There are many of us who are musicians in our souls at least...and in the shower!!


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