Thursday, October 24, 2013

At School

Here I am at work yesterday at the college.  We are about to start portraits in painting class, so I gave a little demonstration.  Next to me is my student, Josefine Bohorquez who sat for the picture.  Another of my painting students, Amaurys Gullon, took this picture.

The painting is OK except for the catcher's mitt hand I gave her.  Her left arm is in a sling after a minor accident last week.


  1. Wow. How long does it take you to paint a portrait like that?

  2. I spent about an hour and a half on that portrait.

  3. From Certain Assets of the Lovely Josefine, I think I would have painted her standing!


  4. It's great to see you in the classroom!

  5. You are a wonderful, all that in an hour...boggles my mind. Thanks for a glimpse inside your classroom life.


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