Sunday, February 21, 2016

Descent From the Cross

A new painting made for the church of Saint Luke in the Fields in New York as part of a project involving a number of artists to paint a Stations of the Cross for Lent.  The painting is small (22" x 16"), oil on canvas painted in monochrome.
The painting is hanging now in the church behind the pulpit.

These are photos I took in my studio before delivering the painting to the church.


  1. Monochrome? Was that one of the conditions of the project?

  2. Monochrome was my choice. The only condition of the project was size; no more than 24" x 18". Other pictures are in full color, one panel uses glitter paint, another is a quilt, and still another is a light box. Mine is not the only one in monochrome or muted colors.

  3. Can you define monochrome? I still don't understand the term.

    ...but it's a beautiful work, Doug. Can you identify the persons in it (other than Jesus)? Is that Joseph of Arimathea "catching" the body, or?

  4. Monochrome means simply painting in one color. It could be any color, but it usually means black and white.
    The figure catching the body is a soldier. I got the idea from a small woodcut by Dürer. The Virgin Mother is in the background on the left weeping in the shadows.

  5. Magnificent! I know you told me that you wanted to paint the Passion again, but seeing is believing.


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