Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sadly, This Now Seems Timely

A scene from one of my favorite movies:


  1. Yeah, but those balls are THIS BIG!

  2. I think that's THE sentiment at Trump rallies.

  3. An antidote from Italian Cinema:

    ...and, minutes later, that heartbreaking scene in a corn field (meadow?) with the desparate young boy and his fascist father on the run: but we will win daddy? we are right aren't we? Daddy?

    Oh my word...


  4. And there is this movie by the Taviani brothers:

    I knew people who lived through these events in Bologna, 1943 - 1945. The late Simonetta Franchi used to end her reminiscences of those events with "...and I hope my kids never see anything like that!"

    Among many naive beliefs that we Yanks cherish is the one that says we are absolved from history. I hope not to have to repeat that history Simonetta described.


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