Saturday, May 30, 2009

So, Madpriest Thinks I'm Above Being Trashy...

Here's Markus Schenkenberg for a little compare contrast:

This post from January was pure trash, as I recall.

Maybe I'll do eye-candy as a regular Saturday feature.

Gentle readers, I'm open to suggestions about celebrities and athletes who you'd like to see scantily clad.  I'd be happy to accommodate my lesbian and hetero readers with female eye-candy, but this gay boy will need your help in that department. 

So, do you imagine Mark Harris or Tobias Haller even considering a feature like this on their blogs?  I don't think so.  Maybe Grandmere Mimi or Thinking Anglicans might.


  1. Haha. Well that would bring
    a nice mix to your posts, right?
    Happy Whitsuntide!

  2. Well, *I* am very happy that MP was wrong... ;-)

  3. That "Wounded Bird" blog is barely legal as it is.

  4. We don't only export the svenska flicka nowadays...

  5. A bit o' trash can be a very cheering thing!

  6. ohhhh I wouldn't throw him out as trash at all... nope. No matter which way his flag flies...

  7. Goran,
    Is Markus typical of Swedish men? If so, I'm planning a trip to Sweden.

  8. Not un-typical. In fact I have a friend (partnershipped priest) who looks very much like Marcus.

  9. Marcus don't look like no trash to me. Of course, I could be wrong.

  10. I learn in the Swedish Wiki that the fellow has Dutch parents and several Dutch names... So his looks may be said to be Dutch too ;=)


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