Saturday, July 23, 2011

Compromise Away the Farm

It's gonna be damn hard to vote next year.

The Prez is ready to bargain away our retirement to get an agreement, and the Republicans are ready to hand it all over to our creditors.

Michael says that the people who own and run the USA, the richest 1%, decided that the middle class was too big and that it's time to cut labor costs. The remaining 99% wait with baited breath for pink slips. Expect unemployment to remain high at 8% or more for the next 10 years, and expect all the political and social disintegration that comes with it.


  1. I received my pink slip last week.

    You need a priest in NYC?

  2. I don't know, but there's bound to be listings somewhere. We'd love to have you here.

  3. Is your bishop in Richmond giving you the boot? If so, come on up to the Big Apple.

  4. {{{Margaret}}}

    I agree that raising the age of Medicare eligibility would be a betrayal...

    ...but I would also caution that There's No Deal.

    I'm not counting Obama out, as a crafty (yet secretly principled) negotiator...yet.

  5. JCF, I hope you are right and that you have the satisfaction of telling me "I told you so!"

  6. I came back from sabbatical and in my absence (so I don't know exactly why) the Jr and Sr. Warden's quit --quit the church, quit the vestry... walked out.

    So, the Bishop told me I had to quit too.

    No due process. No reasons... I'm out....

    There we are....

    Please let me know if you hear of anything --sometimes they are not posted on the national search machines.

  7. Mercy! I will do so.

    I don't know if this would be any help at all, but you might try contacting the clergy at St. Luke in the Fields here in New York, in particular Mother Mary Foulke or Father Hugh Grant. If nothing else, they might point a direction for you to look, and would definitely know more than I would.

  8. *IF* I'm right, Doug, I'll be modest in victory, trust me! O_o


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