Thursday, September 15, 2011

James Harbaugh

An old friend of mine from Saint Louis days, Jim Harbaugh, suffered a heart attack on Sunday and is recovering. His wife Jan sent me the email yesterday.

What little reading I have in theology I owe to him. He was kind enough to give me an informal guided reading course in very basic modern theology a quarter century ago, and it's been a great help to me ever since.

He is now an ELCA Lutheran pastor in Iowa. His wife Jan is an Episcopal priest. They are both wonderful people who've been through so much in their lives.

Please remember them in your thoughts and prayers.

Christine, Jan, and Jim Harbaugh with a neighborhood dog who wandered in, August 1991, Saint Louis.


  1. As part of the 49ers Nation, the name "Jim Harbaugh" means someone else to me! O_o

    ...but nevertheless, Doug, I pray for your friend, non-head coach Jim Harbaugh, and his family.

  2. My prayers are also added for your friend, Doug.


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