Monday, June 25, 2012

Gay Day in New York, 2012, in Pictures

I've marched in Gay Day parades in New York for almost 20 years, but this year for the first time I took my trusty digital camera.  This has always been one of my favorite days of the year, and now gentle readers, I can share part of my experience with you.  All of these are my pictures except one.

Looking downtown on Fifth Avenue; the huge tower under construction at the end of the street is #4 World Trade Center, the "shortest" of the towers.

It never ceases to amaze me how big this parade is.  We are looking down Fifth Avenue from about 37th street.  The parade started at noon, and it's about 4PM in this picture, and is nowhere near finished.

The parade looking back uptown

The Lavender Line painted along the parade route every year, a local tradition

The Empire State Building viewed from the parade route

The parade passes the Flatiron Building.  Broadway is to the left, and Fifth Avenue is to the right.

The parade passes Norman Vincent Peale's Marble Church, now one of the gay friendliest of the Reform churches.   Church members served water to the marchers.

The haters get fewer and fewer every year.  This is the only one I saw this year.  The cops are telling him to pack up his signs and leave.  "REPENT OR PERISH!" it said on the back of his tee shirt.

And what is a Pride parade without characters?  This gentleman in a kimono walked with us the whole way ringing a small bell.

A self appointed escort for the Episcopal Church float in the parade.  S/he marched the whole way with us.

Sometimes the best part of the parade is the spectators who can put on their own show.

Balcony spectators on Fifth Avenue

More spectators

These spectators send you their best wishes from New York.

Lotsa kids this year both marching and watching.

This young man wanted his picture taken, and here he is.

A lovely couple

Another lovely couple

eye candy

The corner of Christopher Street and Bleecker

Where it all began, the Stonewall Bar

The Episcopal Church had a large contingent in the parade, and official, as well as unofficial, representation.

Here is the Episcopal Church float made for the Diocese of New York.  One of my fellow marchers complained about how dull it was, unforgivable for a gay parade.  But the float did have a DJ who apparently was given free reign.  He wasn't dull.

Our new Episcopal Bishop Coadjutor of New York, Andrew Dietsche on the Episcopal Church float

Some of us just can't go anywhere without incense.

And some people can go a little crazy with the incense.

My parish's contingent in the parade

Lovely happy people from my parish having a great time marching in the parade.  On the left with the umbrella in back is Bruce Fulton.  In the front to the left are Kyle Oliver and Kristin Saylor.  They are newlyweds, and though a hetero couple, this was their third gay day march in New York.  They love it.  The priest is Father Hugh Grant, who unlike the celebrity, is much more interesting and unflappable.

And here is our own lovely Anahi Galante in the parade.

Anahi took this picture of me marching with the parish contingent.  From left to right is Manuel Ducret, Lee Heeter, Yours Truly with my trusty little digital camera, Kristin Saylor, and Kyle Oliver.

I so look forward to doing this again next year!


  1. All well and good...but oddly enough, I have seen nothing on the news about any of the parade or even about Pride Day/week/month. In the past I saw stuff on the local and Naional news about the parades etc. Not this year, odd!

  2. Perhaps because after 43 years, this has become just another ethnic day parade in New York among so many.

    Here is CNN's coverage of the parade:

    And here is the New York Daily News' coverage:

    Here is coverage from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

  3. Wonderful, Doug.

    I wish you had included some female eye-candy pics...but I understand this is not your area of expertise! ;-p

  4. The man clad in kimono was holding a sign saying "emptiness". He was roughly dressed up as a traveling monk begging for food (bell ringing). What's more compatible Buddhist topic with Episcopal discourses than the idea of "emptiness/nothingness"?

  5. What's more compatible Buddhist topic with Episcopal discourses than the idea of "emptiness/nothingness"?

    If you actually understand the concept, then it is very compatible, as opposed to the much more noisy/busy/egoistic discourse of the more conservative denominations.


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