So, if there are any Newsweek employees, or anyone even remotely connected with Newsweek who just happen by accident to stumble across this obscure blog out of the thousands upon thousands out there, I just want to say,
Thank you for your courage in taking so clear and unequivocal a stand on this issue. Thank you especially to Lisa Miller for her fine essay, and for basing her arguments in religious, and especially Christian, testimony.
Michael is not the least bit religious. Anything church related, even empty churches, make him phobic. And who can blame him? Look at the way churches have treated our kind since the days of the Church Fathers. Look at the latest regulations coming out of the Vatican intended to weed out gay applicants to seminaries, even those who intend to be celibate. Look at the levels of vitriolic hatred spilled all over the comments sections at Newsweek like a big oil slick, coming from "good" "Christian" people.
I church for both of us regularly on Sundays. Why? because I know that my Redeemer liveth. Because Emmanuel, God With Us was always with us nelly queens, bull daggers, tranny kings and queens, and bis through all of our sufferings and struggles, public and private. He was there with the victims and families of the Upstairs Lounge fire in New Orleans in 1973 when all the city's churches (except one Episcopal congregation) closed their doors to funerals for the victims. The Lord who hung dying alone and despised on the Cross was there with Matthew Shepard when he died hanging alone and despised on that fence in Wyoming. He was there with the thousands upon thousands of others named and nameless who died at the hands of the haters throughout the ages. And as His death was not the end, so neither will their deaths be the end of their story. God is always with us in love and solidarity, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
So Thank you again Newsweek and Lisa Miller!
Here are some more reasons from your competitor Time showing why I love Newsweek:
Thank you for your courage in taking so clear and unequivocal a stand on this issue. Thank you especially to Lisa Miller for her fine essay, and for basing her arguments in religious, and especially Christian, testimony.
Michael is not the least bit religious. Anything church related, even empty churches, make him phobic. And who can blame him? Look at the way churches have treated our kind since the days of the Church Fathers. Look at the latest regulations coming out of the Vatican intended to weed out gay applicants to seminaries, even those who intend to be celibate. Look at the levels of vitriolic hatred spilled all over the comments sections at Newsweek like a big oil slick, coming from "good" "Christian" people.
I church for both of us regularly on Sundays. Why? because I know that my Redeemer liveth. Because Emmanuel, God With Us was always with us nelly queens, bull daggers, tranny kings and queens, and bis through all of our sufferings and struggles, public and private. He was there with the victims and families of the Upstairs Lounge fire in New Orleans in 1973 when all the city's churches (except one Episcopal congregation) closed their doors to funerals for the victims. The Lord who hung dying alone and despised on the Cross was there with Matthew Shepard when he died hanging alone and despised on that fence in Wyoming. He was there with the thousands upon thousands of others named and nameless who died at the hands of the haters throughout the ages. And as His death was not the end, so neither will their deaths be the end of their story. God is always with us in love and solidarity, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
So Thank you again Newsweek and Lisa Miller!
Here are some more reasons from your competitor Time showing why I love Newsweek:

One of the newly formed Gay Liberation's first acts was to pickett Time's offices for this one. What a hatchett job!

And the price for that acceptance was to join the military, act "normal," and endorse the established order.
Poor Leonard Matlovich!
I posted at Newsweek also...right in the middle of those who are demented, terrorfied and hardly have TRUST in a God who COMMANDS us to ¨love thy neighbor¨...these sickos aren´t new, it´s just that, Bush,Rove and accomplices gave the world permission to SLANDER LGBT citizens in public...kinda like bringing out the worst in people that need emotional and spiritual help...btw, your friend Michael reminded me of a friend of mine, from Texas, who had TWO Grandfathers who were Baptist Minsters...he says, quite often, the most miserable and hateful people in the World are the Comment Section at Newsweek, it seems that many profess to be Christians.
Isn't on Leonard Matlovich's tombstone?
I got a medal for killing two men,
And a discharge for loving one
Off-topic: OMG, Betty Page just died! Dreamgrrl of a thousand kinky fantasies! :-(
May she rest rest in chains, and rise in feathers!
Mostly correct, JCF. Leonard's actual epitaph, which you can see on a picture of his stone at, is:
"When I was in the military they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one."
It's also on a bronze plaque recently dedicated in San Francisco, for which the Mayor declared it "Leonard Matlovich Memorial Day."
I have much to still do on the site, including adding several historical photos and videos, but please check it out and let others know about it. As his friend, I created it to both inform and inspire.
Thank you.
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