The great Betty Page dies at 85 (!) (You go girl! Who says kink ain't good for you?)
Artist friends of mine younger than me used to fantasize about her. One of them said that her smile was the sexiest in history, as if to say, "So, what else do you want to do with me?"
"May she rest rest in chains, and rise in feathers!" -- JCF
"May she rest rest in chains, and rise in feathers!" -- JCF
She was the Dream Goddess and Patron Saint of an awful lot of artists I've known down through the years. I would imagine that there are a lot of broken hearts in studios from here to Miami and San Francisco.
And if she were any younger, she would have probably had implants and ruined those beautiful breasts!
Page starred in a few mainstream movies too, didn't she?
What a body: YOWZA! 8-D..
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