Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Will We Learn From the Tuscon Shooting?



Bec said...

It's weird, but when I saw your headline at Three Legged Stool I immediately thought "nothing." I saw a comment somewhere that said the two things that might prevent another incident like Tucson were stricter gun laws and adequate funding for mental health care, neither of which seems remotely possible right now, or maybe ever.

it's margaret said...

yeppa. Amnesia, until the next awful thing, and then melt down and wringing of hands and remorse... and then more amnesia....

Wormwood's Doxy said...

Makes you wonder how human beings ever survived to this point, doesn't it?

JCF said...


See y'all mourning the next "shocking" "nothing like this ever happened before" "nothing could have predicted/prevented" "hateful rhetoric/non-existent mental-health system/inadequate gun-laws had NOTHING to do with!" RAMPAGE.

[Unless, y'know, y'all or I are one of the deceased thereof.]