Monday, December 30, 2013

My Painting Students 2013

I'll end the year with my painting students from Bronx Community College.  I was very proud of them this year.  None of them had ever painted before.

Amaurys Grullon works on a self portrait using a small mirror.

Here is Amaurys' self portrait

Another portrait from life by Amaurys Grullon of Elba Lopez, a fellow student

Here is a beautiful still life by Elba Lopez

Ruth Luciano made this striking painting for an independent project.

A self portrait by Wendy Moquete

A self portrait by Josefine Bohorquez

Christopher Blake holds up his self portrait.  I had students with a wide variety of skill levels.  Christopher struggled through my class.  This self portrait was a real breakthrough for him and he is obviously proud of it.

A beautifully composed still life by Alberto Arjona

A self portrait by Ivan Ayala Iterian; he made 3 abortive attempts before finally arriving at this one.

A self portrait by Jesus Marte


JCF said...

You should be proud, Professor! Wonderful work.

it's margaret said...

Yeah --what JCF said.