Friday, April 1, 2016

Counterlight's Peculiars Officially Endorses...

The Family Guy version with Seth Macfarlane doing the singing.


JCF said...

Hear, hear! Maybe uniting around Rick can calm the Bernie vs Hillary Unpleasantness in the blogosphere...

Counterlight said...

I think the Bernie vs Hillary business is ultimately just so much sturm und drang. In 2008, a lot of Hillary supporters vowed to never vote for Barack, but come November and the the prospect of Vice President Sara Palin being just one weak John McCain heartbeat away from the Presidency, they turned out and voted for the Dem nominee, Obama.
I predict the same will happen this time no matter who ultimately gets the Dem nomination. The prospect of Fearless Leader Trump or Grand Ayatollah Cruz will be enough incentive for people to make peace with each other and vote for the Dem nominee, Bernie Clinton or Hillary Sanders.

Until then, Rick! Rick! Rick!