Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's Dangerous Being Liberal Sometimes.

Take a look at what happened in a Unitarian Church in Tennessee today.

Prayers for all who were affected.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Gun control (= licences) is the standard in all civilised states.

People who have a medical or psychiatrical problem or a criminal record do not get such a licence.

My own grandfather (*1895) had one.

Counterlight said...

Guns are less regulated than cars in this country. If I had my way (which will never happen) there would be at least as much involved in owning a gun as in owning a car. Just like a car, a gun owner would be required to have a formal title of ownership. Just like a car, a gun owner would be required to carry a periodically renewed license showing competency to use it safely and responsibly. Just like car owners, gun owners would be required to register the gun annually with the state government, and the gun would be periodically inspected for safety and maintenance. And just like car owners, gun owners would be required to carry liability insurance.
None of the above precludes the right to own a gun for hunting, sport, or self-defense.

Counterlight said...

My! I may not be attracting the trolls, but I'm definitely attracting the spam posts these days.

Anonymous said...

The Swedish Telegram Bureau has fooled all the Swedish newspapers including the big nation-wide ones that this was someone temporarily out of his mind in a Presbyterian church.

(only proves how incomprehensible the word Unitarian is over here ;=)