Sunday, July 13, 2008

Gene Robinson in London Today.

Well, it looks like Bishop Robinson had a rough time at St. Mary's, Putney today.  He appears to have handled it with his usual grace, and finished his sermon.  It appears to me that St. Mary's congregation also acted admirably under the circumstances.  We do live in interesting times, unfortunately.

I haven't had a teevee on all day, so I'm wondering if the American networks dropped the campaign coverage and the A-Rod/ Madonna saga long enough to notice that 9 American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan today.


Edward Ockham said...

I was there! The congregation was about 7 times its usual size, I have to say. The paparrazi were allowed 90 seconds for photos, so the first part of the Bishop's sermon was marred by a stroboscopic display. Then the heckler. I was in the choir but sadly the papparazi departed immediately after the sermon, and did not stay for our splendid rendering of Stanford and Mozart.

I liked your paintings by the way.

Counterlight said...

Isn't that just like the papparazi! They always leave before the best part.
I was very impressed with the way people in the congregation handled that bit of drama. Over here, there probably would have been counter-hecklers followed by a brawl, and in church no less.

Thanks. I hope to have more paintings up in the not-too-distant future.

Fran said...

Wow - to be there. Papparazi- who would think?

I am greatly saddened by the 9 - added to the already departed there and in Iraq, soldiers, civilians, others.

Saddened and outraged in seemingly equal amounts.