Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Latest Picture

Here it is fresh from the easel. It's a painting of Orpheus. My friend David Kaplan wonders if there's anyone around who knows who Orpheus is.

Sorry about the clutter. Apparently Mac Preview does not have a cropping function.

Click on the image for a larger view.


it's margaret said...

even Hell could not keep him, as his song and skill on the stringed instrument kept him free from bondage in that place. He could make trees dance....

it's wonderful Counterlight. in this e-medium (not the best, I agree) your use of light looks really different from your other work on your website.

dang--it's really good! (and not being able to crop it adds something--I love seeing the glimpses of your other work in the background --thank you!)

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Was this before or after he failed to rescue Eurydice? (Yes, I know who Orpheus was.)

I like the painting. The expression on the face of the guitarist shows so much emotion, almost anguish.

I also like the industrial setting and the trash in the foreground and that tiny detail of the torn T-shirt and the attentiveness of the listeners. It conveys the power of art to lift people for a brief time out of even the most depressing circumstances.

MadPriest said...

I see it more as a glimpse into the very soul of Doug - the artist.
Yes - you're right. Whichever way you look at it - it's clutter.

Counterlight said...

Perhaps the state of my studio reflects the state of my soul. Is there such thing as a tidy soul?

Brother David said...

Papí Counterlight, your studio is your personal domain, it can be whatever you need it to be at the moment. Before I read other's comments I was looking at the foto and realizing how much more we see about you than just this new painting.

You can import the foto into iPhoto and crop it using the tools after clicking Edit.