That's all they have left is the image of the Big White Daddy to keep us all safe.
Cheney has been out peddling his brand of snake oil, and as usual, the press swallows it without any question. More galling are the legions of Democrats who, even in power, are as spineless as jellyfish. They quavered before Cheney and gutted the funding from Obama's plan to close Gitmo.
The Big White Republican Daddy keeping us safe claim is all bullshit. They deliberately let Bin Laden and Zawahiri get away. Michael's brother-in-law was one of the Army Rangers who had Bin Laden surrounded at Tora Bora. They knew where he was, and how they would take him. They were about to start the final assault when they were suddenly redeployed to the Persian Gulf. There's more in this 2005 NYTimes article. If we end up at war in Korea any time soon, it will be due to the posturing and blundering of the former administration, who undercut all of South Korea's efforts at diplomacy with the North.
The fat old white boys who run the Republican party have nothing left to offer but "be afraid, be very afraid." I have to wonder about the party ideologues who publicly call for another terrorist attack to teach the electorate "a lesson." I put them in the same category as all those far leftists I used to know who always hoped for an economic depression to teach us all "a lesson." I would put apocalyptically obsessed fundamentalists in that same category. I question the mental and moral health of people who wish catastrophe upon their neighbors in order to vindicate their beliefs.
A resentful world cowed into submission by the American military domination is not my idea of a lasting peace. That was the kind of peace imagined by the old Warsaw Pact.
Amen brother, preach it!
Why don't they crawl into their holes and go away. It will be hard enough to recover from those miserable eight years.
That type of gun is quite capable of blowing up in the face of the user.
Love the hair on the right-hand guy.
I wonder how much he paid for that hair.
By the look of it, not much.
For some reason the term "ferret-faced" comes to mind.
Cheney only smiles when he's looking at a gun...
"When Cheney smiles, an angel gets waterboarded." -- Jon Stewart
Seems gruesome twosome with Cheney are not twins. They are the NRA's (Surprise!!) CEO, Wayne LaPierre, and its then-President, Kayne Robinson.
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