Monday, September 13, 2010

Pope Who?

Apparently, the Brits are yawning with anticipation of His Holiness' historic visit.

Which is the real Uncle Fester played by Christopher Lloyd?

And the really scary news out of Belgium just keeps on coming. Secretive and unaccountable power, ah, there's nothing quite like it. Nothing will change until secret archives and budgets are laid bare in the bright light of public inspection, and mitered heads guilty of conspiring to obstruct justice, as well as abuse, turn up in jail where they belong. Nothing will change until princes are replaced with servants accountable to their flocks and to the law, as well as to God.


JCF said...

Nah, Uncle Fester's still too likeable a comparison.

As Joe.My.God. likes to point out, the REAL comparison to B16, is "Emperor Palpatine" from Star Wars! (The resemblance is incredibly uncanny! Absolute Power? Check! Dark Side of the Force? Check!)

JCF said...

Over on TA, they have a link to church historian (who-happens-to-be-gay) Diarmaid MacCulloch wishing to ask the Pope "if he knows any gay couples". I, too, would like to ask him that question . . . preferably, over breakfast w/ Msgr. Georg Ganschwein! ;-/

The Religious Pícaro said...

Wow, Church, Inc. might not even break even on this UK tour thingee.

David G. said...

Christopher Lloyd doesn't deserve to be associated with such TRASH!!

Counterlight said...

Apologies to Mr. Lloyd.

Kittredge Cherry said...

Ha! LOL!