Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Will Be There In Spirit

Alas, I will be in meetings all day into the night today.

Who does these posters? They are brilliant! Anyone who can remember back to 1989 should recognize the image immediately.

*Actually, there's a 5PM rally in Foley Square. If the Library Committee lets out early or on time, I could make that one before the next meeting at 7PM.

1 comment:

JCF said...

It IS an awesome poster.

Our solidarity rally at our Nasty Rethuglican Congressman's office (I did see one "Occupy Lungren", but I don't *think* there was any intention of actually staying indefinitely) was spirited, if calm, gathering of about 35 (definitely larger than the rally there at the time of the Debt Limit last summer). Stories were told, many VERY moving (several long-term unemployed, like myself). A retired Episcopal priest spoke, contrasting the House's reaffirmation w/ (friggin'!) "In God We Trust", w/ what the Judeo-Christian tradition says about Economic Justice (or rage at lack of!)

Just doin' our part.