Some kids staged a noisy protest on Wall Street yesterday apparently upsetting the Big Daddies. On the one hand, it appears to be the usual unfocused left wing mess, everything from Save the Polecat to Neuter Rick Perry. On the other hand, the US press coverage is entirely dismissive, as it was for the protests that turned out more than a million each here in the Big Apple at the start of the Iraq invasion. I think those crazy hippy kids may well speak for a lot more people than were actually there. Some people like me are giving them the old Texas A&M cheer, "Gig em Aggies!"
We'll see what happens next.
We didn't even here about it here... although I've heard rumor about something in mid to late October in DC. This ol' fogey would join 'em.
Here's a variation on an old unofficial Texas high school football cheer for 'em:
"Cigarette ashes, cigarette butts, they got Wall Street by the nuts! PULL!!"
The media is ignoring them but covers every little 3 person Tea Party protest! The Tea Party would be NOTHING if the media was not backing/hyping it! The media also ignored 10s of thousands of people who marched on Washington (2 years ago I think it was) for Gay Marraige! We need better media, some REAL reporters!
I remember that march for marriage. The press was all over a Tea Bagger rally the week before with fawning wall to wall coverage. The marriage rally attracted twice as many people (at least). The press totally ignored it. Jon Stewart made a point about the discrepancy on his show.
There's some kind of MSM diktat that says "Every Teabagger represents a 100 others. Every Leftist wacko represents ONLY herself. Cover accordingly."
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