... is to see which one would eat a live kitten. My money would be on the ever floundering Newt, but then, I wouldn't put it past Frothy Mix or Crazy Eyes. They're desperate for attention from a crowd eager to kill anything except a fetus. Who will be the Ozzy Osbourne of right wing politics?

Newt? Frothy? Gov. Goodhair? RonPaul? Crazy Eyes? Surely not Mittens! You think?
it´s hard to believe that the Repulican party has sunk to this cast of bad characters-- they should be in Sweeney Todd-- STARRING FROTHY AND CRAZY EYES (the rest of the cast will fit right in, almost interchangeable). Leonardo Ricardo
The Only Reason I'd Ever Watch a Republican Debate ...
... is to see which one would eat a live kitten
Ouch. True, but ouch!
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