Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Saints Day

I must begin with the patron saint of my trade. Even though he probably never picked up a brush or pencil in his life, I don't think he'd mind sharing himself with the artists as well as the physicians.

Here's a sample from my completely unofficial calendar of personal saints. This list should include Father Charles Bewick, though I have no picture of him.

Bartolome de las Casas

Father Mychal Judge

Archbishop Oscar Romero

Saint Benedict

John Wesley

Jonathan Swift

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Martin Luther King Jr.

Mahalia Jackson

Julian of Norwich

Mary Magdalene

Francis of Assisi (Francesco Bernadone)

I apologize for the dearth of theologians here. I'm simply not qualified and not literate enough in the field. Suggestions are welcome.

But for the fact that I'm sticking to the technicality of Christian allegiance, this list would be a whole lot longer.

Who's on your completely personal and unofficial calendar of saints?


Alan Richardson said...

My own would include the Anglo-Celtic Saints Columba, Aidan and Cedd.


Alan Richardson said...

My own would include the Anglo-Celtic Saints Columba, Aidan and Cedd.


it's margaret said...

I made my list --and I didn't follow the technicality of Christian allegiance... so, it includes the following:
Blessed Van Gogh, El Greco, Michelangelo, Cassad, Raphael, Rivera, Di Vinci, Perts, Picasso, Warhol, O'Keefe, and all those whom Counterlight loves and writes about!

motheramelia said...

I would add Ghandi to you list (who says Saints have to be Christian) and my own favorite, Constance and her companions of the Yellow Fever plague in Memphis.