In anticipation of what probably won't happen on Saturday, here is a collection of Rapture pics randomly culled from Google Image Search. Apparently, all of the raptured will be very white and right if these pictures are accurate.

Padre Mickey found this one. Young, white, and sexy get the Rapture. Yeah baby! So God is a horny racist old letch?

A less interesting version of Thornton Wilder's
Our Town, Anywhere USA, gets the Rapture. I suppose places like the Bronx and Williamsburg, Brooklyn don't count as Anywhere or USA.

I don't know why, but I look at this painting, and Elton John's "Rocket Man" comes to mind.

Who knew that the Kingdom of Heaven would be made so safe for white people? A Methodist congregation from an affluent part of Dallas, circa 1962, goes up to safe blandly conventional glory. Why does this picture make me think that Hi C will be served at the Heavenly Banquet?

And I must conclude with this classic, early 1970s Dallas gets The Rapture.
In fact, all of these lily white Christians look like they're extras from the old Ozzie and Harriet Show, or like they're refugees from a 1974 Sears Catalog.
Looking forward to May 22nd.
Fascinating pictures. I like Dallas best. I guess right at the time when the big event is to happen, we should all put our arms in the air just in case....
Man, if the T&A is going to be anything like that first cartoon*, I may have to reconsider, and leave w/ the Elect on Saturday. Va-va-voom! };-D..
[* Did anyone else look for Scooby-Do there though? *LOL*]
The third one kind of reminds me of the final scene of one my favorite intense "Discuss the religious themes of THIS!" movies: Breaking the Waves
Except that it's theme is Uber-Protestant, the 4th one almost looks Catholic. Something about that praying family: I have a 1950s illustrated Missal that looks almost exactly like that (except w/ Rosary beads, of course! And statues of the Sacred Heart and BVM)
Oh well, at least those of us who are left behind will get to look up some pretty girls' skirts as they leave.
And if you think you qualify, make sure that you are outdoors at 6:00. Those inside may be just stuck on the ceiling.
On a related note, Doug, this may be the week to post your end-of-the-world series, before you lose half* your audience.
I must check to make sure my building insurance covers damage to ceilings and roof tiles due to rapture. If Mrs MP gets the call I could end up with a hefty repair bill. Thanks for pointing this potential problem out, Paul.
Paul A,
That's an excellent idea. Maybe I'll post those things tomorrow or Friday.
Sadly this item is only offered in the one sex.
I'm sure some boyfriends will be available.
I noticed a certain dress code -- "church" clothes or one-size-fits-all white caftans. I'm afraid I don't have either at this time. Sigh. Left behind yet again.
Do you think the TSA will perform random pat downs as all these people travel to Heaven?
Great! Esp. like the 50s version. I'm glad they were already headed to church--such a drag to have one's cook-out interrupted.
p.s. On the Dallas thing-- acouple of theologian friends of mine who used to teach at Brite Divinity tell me about a bumper sticker in Texas that says, "In case of the Rapture, this car may be suddenly unoccupied."
In my own church, the message is, stop looking for Christ's toes and start looking at one another. Work to be done.
I'm a former Episcopalian... find a lot more sanity in the UCC these days...
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