Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday High Church

Here is the famous Botafumeiro of Santiago Compostela in Spain.   Imagine what your parish youth group could do with this!

In my parish, all the thurfier persons are either smokers or asthmatics. I belong to the asthma inhaler club. Even so, I always tell the celebrant that if I can still see her/him 2 feet away, then it's not enough smoke.
The smoke never bothered me, but some of those hymns will send me scrambling for the inhaler.


Anonymous said...

The person who "introduced" me to the infamous Botafumeiro of Santiago de Compostela was a Phillipino priest-pianist colleague of mine when I was being a professional musician (seems like another lifetime).

Last summer, when, at the invitation of Rowan Williams, TEC and certain bishops from Africa were getting ready to gather for prayer and dialogue in Spain, I suggested to our bishop that they go to Santiago de Compastela and place the +ABC upon the botafumeiro for the ride of his life. At the time I thought it might help. Now I'm sure of it.


Counterlight said...

A splendid idea! Perhaps a ride on the Botafumeiro should be a standard part of the consecration of all archbishops. Can'r you just see the expression on ++Jensen's face?