So, I won't.
Could any of these be you, my trollish darlings?An article on Computer World.com has a LOT of important information about different types of online abuse:
Spamming troll: Posts to many newsgroups with the same verbatim post.
Kooks: A regular member of a forum who habitually drops comments that have no basis on the topic or even in reality.
Flamer: Does not contribute to the group except by making inflammatory comments.
Hit-and-runner: Stops in, make one or two posts and move on.
Psycho trolls: Has a psychological need to feel good by making others feel bad.
Cyberstalkers can also assume many different forms, according to Wood, although they’re basically characterized by a continuing pattern of communication that the recipient considers to be offensive. Other common traits of cyberstalkers are malice, premeditation, repetition, distress to the victim, an obsession on the part of the stalker, seeking of revenge, threats that make victims fear for their physical safety and disregarded warnings to stop.
As with trolls, there are several different types of cyberstalkers, according to Wood:
Intimate partner: The most common type of stalker, this is usually a man who has a history of controlling and emotional abuse during a relationship.
Delusional stalkers: This type of stalker builds an entire relationship with the victim in his or her mind, whether any prior contact has taken place or not. Such stalkers are likely to have a major mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or erotomania, which means they believe the victim is in love with them. The typical delusional stalker is unmarried, socially immature and a loner who is unable to sustain close relationships with others.
Vengeful stalker: This type of person is angry with the victim due to some real or imagined insult or injury. Some of these stalkers are psychopaths — a person affected with an antisocial personality disorder — who have no conscience or remorse. They may have paranoid delusions, often feeling that they themselves are victims and are striving to get even.
I'm selfishly glad you've decided to stay. Your view of the world adds a very welcome richness to my life. Keep flinging your thoughts out into cyberspace and, unfortunately, we'll probably keep feeding the trolls. Maybe you should take it as a compliment that the excellent quality of your 'food' seems to really draw them in? Best wishes to you.
I've had a few stalkers over the years, ...the last one was a couple years ago, on my blog. Some Aryan Nation wacko, who I suspect was closeted. Eventually he just gave up, because I would play his game.
Thank you for deciding to stay. I learn so much by reading what you have to say.
Doug, dear, your blog is a treasure. I'm so glad you decided not to shut down. I learn so much from you.
Love and Peace!
(Just remember: Jesus had his trolls too; you're in good company!)
Doug, I was gone all day yesterday and missed all the "fun". I'm so pleased that you decided not to shut down your blog. As Mary Clara says, your blog is a treasure, a font of knowledge and information on art. My life would be diminished were you to cease blogging, and that's no BS.
Mwah and hugs.
Thanks Grandmere!
Mwah right back at ya.
Just back from brunch, Doug?
Please don't shut it down. I read often but don't comment like I should.
Yes, oftentime selfish really does work out to be the best choice...mine is running on high with no apparent guilt...thanks!
Leonardo Ricardo y Juan Carlos the Good
Like Mimi I've been churching all weekend and singing as well. I'm glad you aren't giving up this wonderful well of art info. I lost most of my trolls when I added the word verification. When one pops up, I delete the comment.
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