Some white roses and peonies by Henri Fantin-Latour, a friend of the Impressionists, though not one himself. He painted some good portraits, and a lot of wonderful flower paintings like these.
More things for Mimi to enjoy when she feels better.
We could all use some flower paintings these days. The news is so dominated by sanctimonious scoundrels that I can hardly bear to read it or watch it.
Here's something to delight the eyes and the ears, three pretty young men playing Debussy's Trio in G.
I'll bring my silver cross and wooden stake.
The "more flowers" are lovely, too. The whites are actually white. You gave me a fright there for a minute, Doug. The larger version of the peonies is blurry, and I thought my surgery had gone bad.
I loves me my Debussy chamber music. Beautiful. Thank you.
Love for Grand'mère! And a speedy recovery - and prayers that nothing else was hiding behind the catharacts!
I didn't mean to scare you with Fantin-Latour.
Doug, don't fret. It was only for a few seconds until I hit the back button. I tend to look for things to go wrong.
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