I'm tired today.
It's been a very busy and stressful week. I finished all of my grading (term papers, portfolio reviews, essay exams, and final grades) just hours past the deadline yesterday. I catered the reception and exhibition for the graduating students last week. I attended commencement and got my cap and gown at the last minute. I watched Governor Patterson get dissed by some of the faculty at commencement over proposed cuts to the CUNY budget. The campus was crawling with cops and security people.
The highlight of my day today was replacing my computer screen background with one of these two sixteenth century screens by Hasegawa Tohaku. I used the painting on the bottom, but they are both wonderful. If you look carefully at the bottom painting, you can see a little glimpse of Mount Fuji in the splendidly evocative mists in the pine forests.
Then there was calm...
Oh, I see it in the upper right hand corner! Lovely screens.
Why was the security so tight?
They're lovely. Serene.
I presume the security was so tight because we had the Governor and Senator Schumer as guest speakers. Not bad for an underfunded little community college in the Bronx.
Beutiful indeed. They remind me of a room at the British Museum which has lots of Japanese paintings on movble screens stored in the wall, so to speak.
Sadly, for me, misty Japanese forests near Mt Fuji will always be where Xena died. (Yes, I'm different---and loving it! Dead or not, XWP 4Ever! ;-D)
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